Clive Guiver

The Art Of Healing Level One


Shamanic Reiki is a sacred practice, combining the ancient wisdom of shamanism and the powerful healing energy of Reiki. This fusion creates a dynamic, transformative experience, addressing not only physical but also emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being.

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Shamanic Reiki blends the sacred wisdom of shamanism with the universal life force energy of Reiki. Learn how these two powerful healing modalities harmonise to create a unique and potent healing approach. You will be initiated to the foundational level of Reiki in alignment with the Usui tradition, as well as the first level of the Munay-ki rites, a series of energetic attunements derived from the Q’ero shamanic tradition.

This course is open to everyone, from those new to energy healing and even experienced practitioners looking to deepen their skills. If you're drawn to ancient wisdom, healing, and a path of spiritual growth, this Shamanic Reiki course is an empowering and transformative journey.

Upon completion of the course, you'll receive certification as a Reiki level one practitioner. This credential allows you to practice Reiki and share its healing benefits with others.

  • Date: Upcoming
  • Studio: Grev Turegatan
  • Teacher: Clive Guiver
  • Language: English
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