The steps to the ceremony are simple, it is only important to remember that you are creating ceremony:
Before coming to the fire circle, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent an issue or something that needs to be honored in order for you to let go of it. The offering serves to focus one’s attention in active meditation. The object can be decorated or left as is.
Connect with what you are honoring, the gifts you have received, or what you are envisioning into being. Using your breath, blow this intention or prayer into the offering several times.
Ideally, you would want to do your fire out-of-doors if possible. Though fire can be done indoors, even with a candle, creating the ceremony outdoors allows you to connect deeply to the earth, the star energies and the timelessness of the location where you are holding the fire. When you are first learning, it is recommended to hold fires at night. The darkness will help you notice subtle changes and learn from the fire.
To prepare the fire:
The steps to the ceremony are simple, it is only important to remember that you are creating ceremony:
Before coming to the fire circle, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent an issue or something that needs to be honored in order for you to let go of it. The offering serves to focus one’s attention in active meditation. The object can be decorated or left as is.
Connect with what you are honoring, the gifts you have received, or what you are envisioning into being. Using your breath, blow this intention or prayer into the offering several times.
Ideally, you would want to do your fire out-of-doors if possible. Though fire can be done indoors, even with a candle, creating the ceremony outdoors allows you to connect deeply to the earth, the star energies and the timelessness of the location where you are holding the fire. When you are first learning, it is recommended to hold fires at night. The darkness will help you notice subtle changes and learn from the fire.
To prepare the fire:
The steps to the ceremony are simple, it is only important to remember that you are creating ceremony:
Before coming to the fire circle, create an offering out of burnable materials, typically a small stick. This “spirit arrow” can represent an issue or something that needs to be honored in order for you to let go of it. The offering serves to focus one’s attention in active meditation. The object can be decorated or left as is.
Connect with what you are honoring, the gifts you have received, or what you are envisioning into being. Using your breath, blow this intention or prayer into the offering several times.
Ideally, you would want to do your fire out-of-doors if possible. Though fire can be done indoors, even with a candle, creating the ceremony outdoors allows you to connect deeply to the earth, the star energies and the timelessness of the location where you are holding the fire. When you are first learning, it is recommended to hold fires at night. The darkness will help you notice subtle changes and learn from the fire.
To prepare the fire:
In a typical stone reading your pathway unfolds through three distinct casts, each offering unique insights:
The initial casting focuses on the present moment; the stones reveal the energies, emotions, and circumstances currently surrounding you, providing a clear picture of where you stand in your life journey.
The second casting identifies blockages; highlighting obstacles or challenges that may be hindering your progress, offering clarity on what needs to be addressed or released to move forward.
The final casting outlines potential paths and opportunities, guiding you toward the best course of action for your growth and fulfilment. This cast offers a vision of what lies ahead, helping you navigate your future with greater awareness and intention.
Together, these three casts create a comprehensive reading that illuminates your present, uncovers hidden barriers, and charts a course for the future.